Monday, March 28, 2011

Laying Down our Lives

Laying down our lives. . . what does it look like?

Sure, we know what it looks like for the some people.  You know, the ones who have given up everything, moved halfway around the world to minister for the sake of the gospel?

Yes, it's easy to see that one. 

But what about . . . . . others?  What about. . . . me?

Ponder this quote from Sally Clarkson:

The laying down of our lives is not just about moving to the most impoverished country or preaching to thousands. But right in front of us, the child who would long to have our comforting touch and gentle voice of life-giving words, that he may imagine the voice and touch of God when He ponders faith as a young adult and chooses to believe because the reality of God was in his home.
The child who needs one more song to be comforted before sleeping, so that he might  be able  in adulthood to believe in a God who is patient and willing to answer prayer and hear our voice when we as his children cry out in faith.
The child who is lonely, confused, hormonal, who will feel the touch of God, the sacrifice of God as we give up the rights to our time and comfort to befriend and listen and show compassion and sympathy for what is on his heart.
Love is given through a candle lit and a special breakfast served one more time on Sunday before church as we open the gospel together, that the reality and beauty of God’s creativity is validated in how we live.  
It is shown with the sacrificial life of giving up what we wanted to do, or the job we hoped to have, in order to build a soul through the attention of ourselves. A looking into the eyes with true interest and compassion instead of looking at a screen while half-heartedly listening. These are the sacrifices of our love, the moment by moment giving up of ourselves, the constant, year end year out practice of worship as we serve those in our home in order to please His heart.
It is for Him, for His kingdom that we serve with willing, generous, life-giving hearts, as the building of His kingdom is one heart at a time.

Weighty and encouraging thoughts for the week.  Join me as we consider what laying down our lives looks like - right here, right now.

For the sake of Him who gave up all, that we might live with Him.


Melissa said...

Wow. Thanks for sharing.

Unknown said...

Thanks, I needed that Heather, with 3 young adults in the home and 2 looking on - praise God for his grace when we fail
Sally has been on my list of people to invite to CT, now I will.

Unknown said...

ugh.. sorry Heather you can tell I don't do this much -- didn't realize Erik was signed ...BTW,there is a sermon from Ted that made me think of you, if I can just figure out how to get it to you..:)

Heather said...

Donna, that is SO funny! I knew it was you, anyways . . wouldn't think Erik would be reading my blog, as it doesn't involve weapons, dead animals, or hunting :)

Send it along! Miss you!