If you wonder what a sleepover looks like in my house. . .look no further!
Never mind that they already share a room.
Never mind that they spend most minutes of every day together.
They shriek with joy when Mommy says they can have a sleepover! Blankets come out, pillows come down from beds, they read stories together and giggle into the evening.
I always wished I had a sister. It is a great joy and privelege to watch my four girls form their own precious relationships. May they always wish for Sister Sleepovers!
Oh my goodness. This is sooooooo my house. Only it's an every night affair with my 5 youngest daughters. They love dragging blankets, pillows, and dolls into my huge walkin closet and camping out in mum and dad's room!! Especially on nights like tonight when daddy works the nightshift. Then they cram in my bed. Fun, fun.
Can I come over? I need a sister too. :-)
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