Thursday, July 26, 2012

Grace in Colored Squares

It's a funny thing that's happening, this.

The school year ramps up, and I pull out old charts.  Four kids, two states, and a lifetime of carefree happiness ago.  I pull off colored stickers that say, "Kindergarten with Mom" and prepare to change her sheet to "Pre-Algebra".  One child is off the plan, another added on.  Days that were full of activity boxes and playpens and "roomtime" and reading have suddenly become days full of first jobs, driving lessons, precalculus and high school credits. 

But through it all.

Grace upon grace upon grace upon grace.

Had you told me - 8 years ago, when I last made this chart - where I would be now, I would never have believed you. The joys, the aches, the unfulfilled longings, the complications and despair and unending prayer for that which we may never see. 

Had you told me - 8 years ago, when I last made this chart - the depths of my need and desire for Jesus, I would never have believed you.  Or thought it possible. Or wished for the heartache that brought me here.

Grace upon grace upon grace upon grace.

So I wistfully remove the "Arts and Crafts" time, and think and wonder - where will the next 8 years bring me?

Only one child in my homeschool.
Four more on the path to becoming. . . . what Jesus has for them. . . . . .

And I pray and I cry and I plead with the Lord, that He would make me faithful.  Faithful to these souls entrusted to me.  Faithful to help the man I have committed to walk through this life with. Faithful to the God who has called me and cleansed me and bought me with His precious blood.

And the son plays, "Meant to Be" on his iTunes account, at such a time as this.

Grace upon grace upon grace upon grace.

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