Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Love is. . . . Part Two

Hot on the heels of my last post (and yes, I've recovered nicely from the whole persimmon issue, thankyouverymuch), I stumbled over to the blog of one of my favorite people in the whole world, Marcia Somerville.

She has some pretty insightful things to say about love.  Here's an excerpt to get you started:

God gives all of his disciples the same amount of limited amount of time each day, and a host of choice points. Those choice points are tests: how will you react and respond to the people and situations you encounter today in a world full of sinners? The results of our reactions and responses to the tests shape us and others. That’s how God sanctifies us, and forwards His amazing plans. God gives all of His people others to love each day as part of His training process. But, to only a chosen few of His children, God gives homeschooling. We homeschooling moms are assigned a very limited number of people, who matter to us greatly, to love. Being imperfect, we often fail. Being our Father, God knows what He’s up to. He’s changing us into the image of Christ by the perfect means for each of us individually. If you are homeschooling because of a call of God on your life to do so, then this is the context in which you are to walk out the primary commands of God: love Him and love your neighbor as yourself.

Go read the rest here.  You won't regret it.

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