August 2012!!!
*Speech! Speech!*
"Ahem. Ladies and Gentlemen, Members of the Academy, Fans and Blog Readers Everywhere,
I would like to present you with a quick look at the insanity that has been,
The Start of the School Year.
We head down to Florida to hang with the sister-in-law and The Monkey Nephews. Cool cats, those two. Influenced by the Olympics, here's Monkey #1 with Amy, creating their own Hermit Crab Olympics:
Heading back home, I have a slight cough. No problem, thinks I. I get something every year, around this time. I'll fight it off.
We arrive home, and prepare to start school. Apparently we needed a hands-on study of Noah and the Ark, because that week our basement was SATURATED with water from a huge, southern deluge (think 2 inches of rain in 45 minutes. Yeah. Fun.)
Thus, all school books and such move upstairs. Here's The Boy at my "desk":
No to be daunted, we have our "Orientation Day" (more on that, later), complete with donuts and other sundry festivities:
SO hard to get a decent picture of a teenage boy! |
Filling out "First Day Questionnaires" |
The sprinkles. Always the sprinkles. |
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Yes, they're mine. Even the dog. |
No such doing. Celebrate the boy's 16th birthday on Sunday, go to the doctor. More drugs.
Bad drug reaction or interaction. Pretty much thought I was going to DIE on Monday. Pretty glad I didn't.
So - yes. I've been flat on my back, on the sofa, all week. Still exhausted, but SO ready to feel better. I think I "may" be on the mend. The downstairs is finally - TONIGHT - all dry and ready to be restored to its original state.
Through it all, I've realized a few things:
1. It really stinks being sick. I have a great appreciation for moms who homeschool - or even function - with a serious, chronic illness.
2. My parents rock. They came up on Tuesday, and have stayed the whole week. Cleaned, helped with kids, fixed things - just amazing.
3. The Body of Christ is wonderful. We had calls, emails, meals sent. And prayers. What a blessing.
4. Bones is a really, really cool tv show. I'm finished with Season 3. Yes, I've watched all of them. It's my - ahem - forced resting plan.
5. My husband is my hero. He's nursed me, worried about me, taken care of the basement, and worked full-time. It's been 21 years - I can't believe how much I need him.
So. I'm
Except that there's a hurricane coming.
Welcome back to school!