Saturday, December 17, 2011

Just a Cup of Tea

In the past three days, I've had two separate friends - who I don't think actually know each other - sit me down for a cup of tea.  Sweet, quiet moments in the midst of absolute insanity.

I was astounded at how refreshed I felt, spiritually and even physically, by the simple act of taking time out for this simple ritual.

I've never been "all that" as a Mom, homemaker, homeschooler, or what have you.  Truthfully, I've never even longed for the whole, "let me create a quiet haven for my family with a nice cup of tea and freshly baked goodies" scene.  Maybe I just can't sit still long enough, or maybe I'm too busy with the next project. . . .

But it was lovely.  I don't know that I can pull it off every day, or even every week, but I think we need to sit for a cup of tea now and again.

So in this week leading up to Christmas, I wish for you, my friends, a quiet moment or two, and a cup of tea.

And a good friend to sip it with.

1 comment:

The Cains said...

Amen, Sister!
So good to see your face. You blessed me with your visit.