Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Because Mommies Need Reminding (for Rachel)

    Song for a Fifth Child

      by Ruth Hulburt Hamilton
          Mother, oh Mother, come shake out your cloth, 
          Empty the dustpan, poison the moth, 
          Hang out the washing and butter the bread, 
          Sew on a button and make up a bed. 
          Where is the mother whose house is so shocking? 
          She’s up in the nursery, blissfully rocking.
        Oh, I’ve grown shiftless as Little Boy Blue 
        (Lullaby, rockaby, lullaby loo). 
        Dishes are waiting and bills are past due 
        (Pat-a-cake, darling, and peek, peekaboo). 
        The shopping’s not done and there’s nothing for stew 
        And out in the yard there’s a hullabaloo 
        But I’m playing Kanga and this is my Roo. 
        Look! Aren’t her eyes the most wonderful hue?
         (Lullaby, rockaby, lullaby loo). 

         The cleaning and scrubbing will wait till tomorrow, 
        For children grow up, as I’ve learned to my sorrow. 
        So quiet down, cobwebs. Dust go to sleep. 
        I’m rocking my baby and babies don’t keep.

        This has even more meaning for me now, as we leave toddler days behind. . . . .

        Mommas, love your little ones.  Love your husband.  Love your Lord.

        It is enough.  Trust me.

        Sunday, April 25, 2010

        Sunday's Sentiments

        Sometimes we get in a rut.

        Tonight, our family greatly enjoyed leaping out of our Presbyterian-Reformed tradition and worshiping at a Freewill Baptist church.  Even their hymnals had shape notes in them!

        The real reason we attended though was to hear one of our new favorite artists, Nathan Clark George.  Sings and writes poignant lyrics, refreshing and real.  One he sang tonight brought me to tears - about the way we can crush our children's spirits with just a few words.

        He preached and sang, and preached and sang, and preached and sang some more.

        Powerful stuff, the Word of God.  Spoken or sung, it cuts like a knife and quickens my heart to follow harder after Him, the One from Whom grace & mercy pour abundantly.

        Thanks for pointing me to the Savior tonight, Nathan.

        (Oh, and his wife's pretty amazing, too!  Wish we lived next door. . . . . . Yurii's starting to toy with the idea of moving into an RV for a while. . . . . .)

        Wednesday, April 21, 2010

        Overheard in My House, Episode 7

        Amy:  "Mom, tonight the kids were having an argument.  I told them Jesus was watching them."

        Me:  "You did?  That was a good thing to say, sweetie."

        Amy:  "Yes.  I was kind of in charge.  I was half of helpful, like a grownup."

        She was beaming at the thought of actually being "in charge" of someone.

        I was beaming, that she is beginning to show a responsiveness to the truths of Scripture!

        Wordless Wednesday - Controversy Free Edition

        (pay attention to the chrysalis on the floor of the butterfly hut, in the middle of the photo!)

        Monday, April 12, 2010



        my friend's 2-year old daughter

        with the sparkle, the sweet grin

        the bare feet

        running through the grass downtown

        are cold and still and lifeless

        an accident

        it is said

        and yet God

        He is sovereign

        but the pain

        it is real

        and I pray

        and weep

        and mourn

        and suddenly

        this life seems oh

        so fleeting

        and my pain

        seems oh so small


        Sunday, April 4, 2010


        He is Risen!

        He is Risen, Indeed!

        Grace and peace to all my friends, family. . . .

        and blog readers!

        Saturday, April 3, 2010


        Low in the grave He lay,  Jesus My Savior
        Waiting the coming day, Jesus My Lord.

        Vainly they watch His bed, Jesus My Savior
        Vainly they seal the dead, Jesus My Lord.

        Friday, April 2, 2010


         Beneath the cross of Jesus 
         I fain would take my stand, 
         the shadow of a mighty rock 
         within a weary land; 
         a home within the wilderness, 
         a rest upon the way, 
         from the burning of the noontide heat, 
         and the burden of the day. 
        Upon that cross of Jesus 
         mine eye at times can see 
         the very dying form of One 
         who suffered there for me; 
         and from my stricken heart with tears 
         two wonders I confess: 
         the wonders of redeeming love 
         and my unworthiness. 
        I take, O cross, thy shadow 
         for my abiding place; 
         I ask no other sunshine than 
         the sunshine of his face; 
         content to let the world go by, 
         to know no gain nor loss, 
         my sinful self my only shame, 
         my glory all the cross.